You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.10. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > 1.10.2. Maintenance - Edit Company > Edit Company - Edit - Applications > Edit - Applications - POS > Edit - Applications - POS - POS Enhanced
Edit - Applications - POS - POS Enhanced

Use this option to enter the default settings for enPOS, including the default delivery methods that users can select from when processing sales orders in enPOS. You can set default delivery methods for both account and non-account customers.

  1. Select a company to edit.

Refer to "Selecting a Company to Edit".


Micronet displays the Default Settings for POS Enhanced screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Batched Invoices when Cost is Zero



Default this debtor class

You can enter a default delivery option for up to three debtor classes. Your debtor classes must be already setup in the Class master file (refer to "File - Class") and the individual debtors must be assigned a class in the Class field on the Debtor File Update screen - Debtor tab (refer to "File - Debtor - Debtor").


Stop Text posting to PO

When items and suppliers are setup in Micronet, text can be entered which is tagged to display and print when a specific item or supplier is included on a purchase order. (For more information, refer to "File - Inventory - Text" and "File - Supplier - Text").

Select Yes if you want to prevent this text from being printed on purchase orders, or select No if you do want this text printed on purchase orders.


Default Delivery Address to First

Select Yes if, when processing customer orders, you want the Delivery To field on the Item Details screen to always default to the customer's first delivery address (refer to "Entering the Item Details"). Otherwise, select No.


Default Delivery Date to NULL ?

Select Yes if, when processing customer orders, you want the Delivery Date field on the Item Details screen to always default to a blank date (refer to "Entering the Item Details").

Select No if you want the delivery date for customer orders to default to today's date.


Replace Consolidate Text

When creating sales orders in standard enPOS, there is a Consolidate field that users can select if they want to consolidate several orders from a supplier into a single delivery.

If you select Yes in this field, Micronet changes the name of that field to Yard or Site so that users can select whether stock should be delivered to the yard (store) or to a specific building site. When Yard is selected, several orders can be consolidated into one delivery.

  1. If you want to:

If you selected to add or edit a delivery option, Micronet displays the Delivery Options screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Del Opt Id

Enter a unique ID for each delivery option.



Enter the different delivery methods used in your business. When generating a POS docket, these delivery names appear in the Delivery Options field of the POS Item Details screen.



Technical Tip

When an item is selected in the Item Details screen and there is insufficient stock on hand to meet the amount ordered, the delivery option defaults to the second option, e.g. Supplier to Customer.



Delivery Cat

Optionally, enter a product category that this delivery option applies to. You can also press spacebar then Enter to select a category.

If a product category is set against a delivery method, POS checks for any items in that product category when processing a sales docket. If at least one item on the docket is in that product category, it sets the delivery method accordingly.


Deposit %

Enter the deposit percentage required from the customer when this delivery option is selected. When generating a POS docket for a non-account customer, Micronet calculates the total deposit required according to this percentage.


Produce PO

Select whether you want Micronet to automatically generate a purchase order to the supplier for any items being sold that are out of stock. Options are:

  • No – don't produce a purchase order
  • Purchase Order – produce a purchase order automatically for out of stock items
  • Pre-allocations – allow pre-allocations to existing purchase orders. This ungreys the Pre-Alloc button on the Item Details screen when processing a sales docket (refer to "Entering the Item Details").
  • Auto Purchasing – include the item in the next automatic purchase order (refer to "Automatic Purchase Order Header - Method Selection")
  • Loan Stock – the items are left with the customer for collection at a later time.
  • Purchase Order with Pre-Allocations – produce a purchase order automatically for out of stock items and allow pre-allocations to purchase orders. This ungreys the Pre-Alloc button on the Item Details screen when processing a sales docket.
  • Auto Purchasing with Pre-Allocation – include the item in the next automatic purchase order and allow pre-allocations to purchase orders. This ungreys the Pre-Alloc button on the Item Details screen when processing a sales docket
  • No - But AUTO if required –



If the Deliver To field below is set to Customer, select Yes if you want Micronet to automatically generate a delivery docket for the item(s) being sold. Otherwise select No.


Deliver To

Select the delivery destination for the delivery method. Options are:

  • Customer – if Produce PO is set to Yes, the purchase order displays delivery instructions as per the customer details
  • Warehouse – if Produce PO is set to Yes, the purchase order displays delivery instructions as per your company addressing details
  • Pickup – if Produce PO is set to Yes, the purchase order displays the text "Customer to pickup"
  • External Freight –


HO Warehouse




2.8 Feature

Select the procurement type for this delivery option. Options are:

  • None – no procurement option selected
  • Stock on Hand – supply the item from stock on hand
  • Dead Stock Transfer – supply the item from any goods that have been marked as dead stock (for more information, see the Stocked field on the Warehouse Details screen – refer to "File - Inventory - Purchasing")
  • Pre Allocation – this option is not currently used
  • Auto PO Request – include the item in the next automatic purchase order (for more information, see the Create Supply Chain Orders field on the Automatic Purchase Order Header screen – refer to "Automatic Purchase Order Header - Method Selection")
  • Purchase Order – create a manual purchase order for the item
  • Inter Branch  Transfer – transfer the required quantity of stock from another warehouse; the user can select a warehouse with stock while processing the sales order
  • HO Branch Transfer – transfer the required quantity of stock from a head office
  • Convert to Backorder – this option is not currently used.


Delivery Type

2.8 Feature

Select the default customer delivery type for the procurement option. Options are:

  • Taken – the customer has taken the stock (e.g. for simple sales where there is stock on hand of an item)
  • Pick Up – the customer will pick up the stock - the words "Hold for pickup" are inserted on the purchase order
  • Direct – the supplier or other warehouse will deliver the stock direct to the customer
  • Delivery – this warehouse will deliver the stock to the customer.

Users can override the delivery type when processing sales orders if required.

  1. Select the Ok button.

If you selected to add delivery option, Micronet redisplays the Delivery Options screen so you can add further delivery options. There is no limit to the number of delivery options you can define.

  1. When you have finished entering delivery options, press Esc.

Micronet redisplays the Default Settings for POS Enhanced screen showing all the delivery options added.

  1. Select the Ok button.

Micronet redisplays the Change Existing Company screen.

  1. Select FILE | SAVE.